Kellogs MorningStar Farms join the vegan revolution

Today, MorningStar Farms a division of the giant Kellogs corporation announced that it will be moving to a 100% vegan range by 2021. This is huge news for the vegan movement as it will be sending a very strong message to their competitors that vegan and plant-based eating is here to stay and is the future of the food industry.
In a press release they state:
“MorningStar Farms® announces its commitment to convert the entire portfolio to be 100 percent plant-based (vegan) by 2021, further increasing the accessibility of great-tasting plant-based offerings and reducing the use of over 300 million egg whites annually. This conversion also includes products available to 25,0001 restaurants and eating establishments within K-12 schools, colleges and universities, and hospitals.”
To read the full article visit the Link Here
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